¿Por qué debería beber leche de almendras?

por Dr. Sandra Landers, MD, PhD
Publicada: Ultima actualización en 166 Vistas

¿Alguna vez has oído hablar de Almond Milk?

Obviamente, debes tener. Si no sabes mucho al respecto, descúbrelo aquí.

Si está confundido acerca de qué es la leche de almendras, no lo haga. Aquí encontrarás todas las respuestas a tus preguntas.

Para eso, debes seguir leyendo, y aprenderás al respecto, y también sus fabulosos beneficios.

Acerca de la Leche de Almendra

La leche de almendras es leche con un sabor a nuez y un toque cremoso. Lo mejor de todo es que ni el colesterol ni la lactosa están presentes en la leche de almendras.

Con frecuencia es consumido por los intolerantes a la lactosa y otros que quieren ignorar los productos lácteos.

La leche de almendra comercial parece sin azúcar, endulzada, simple, con sabor a chocolate y vainilla. A veces se agregan vitaminas adicionales.

También se puede preparar en casa usando Mezcla, algunas almendras.

La leche de almendras es una bebida muy saludable y nutritiva. Puedes beberlo cuando quieras. Es útil para los niños, ya que mejorará su inmunidad, les ayudará a crecer y los hará mentalmente saludables.

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Beneficios de la leche de almendra

Some excellent benefits of Almond milk are;

  • It Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Almond milk does not have any cholesterol or saturated fats. It is high in healthy fats and low in sodium which helps you to avoid heart disease and high blood pressure.

  • Weight Management

One glass of almond milk has 60 calories, as compared to 146 calories in whole milk. It makes a great substitute that will help you to maintain or lose your current weight.

Helps In Weight Management

  • It Keeps Your Bones Healthy & Strong

As almond milk doesn’t offer much calcium as cow`s milk, it provides 31% of the suggested daily amount of vitamin D, decreasing the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis and develop your immune system. Hence, these two nutrients combine to provide healthy bones and teeth formation.

  • Contact Your Blood Sugar

Almond milk is low in carbs that means it won`t extensively enhances your blood sugar levels and reduces the risk for diabetes. Due to its low glycemic index, your body will use the carbs as energy so that the sugars cannot be stored as fat.

  • It Keeps Your Skin Glowing

Almond milk has 50% of the suggested amount of vitamin E which has antioxidant properties which are necessary for your skin`s health, such as protecting against sun damage.

Gives You Glowing Skin

  • It Doesn`t Have Lactose

Lactose fanaticism impacts about 30% of the US population, which means they have complications in digesting the sugar in cow`s milk. This makes almond milk a proper substitute.

  • It Gives Muscles Strength & Healing

While almond milk has one gram of protein, it also has plenty of vitamin B like riboflavin and iron, which are critical for muscle growth and healing.

  • Helps In Proper Digestion

Almond milk includes almost 1.5 grams of fiber, which is necessary for healthy digestion.

Almond Milk

Benefits Of Almond Milk During Pregnancy

  • Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Almond milk includes a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids that helps to maintain the heart healthily.

  • Rich In Anti-Oxidants

Almond milk contains vitamin E, which has antioxidant properties. It contributes to preventing oxidative stress that appears with the wear and tear of the pregnancy.


  • Rich Source Of Minerals & Vitamins

If you are looking for alternatives to cow`s milk, then almond milk will be an excellent choice. It is a rich source of necessary nutrients like minerals and vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12 and calcium.

  • Reduce High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious anxiety when you are pregnant as it can go ahead to preeclampsia. The calcium in almond milk will help in keeping your blood pressure level under control.

  • Keeps Your Skin Healthy

Skin problems during pregnancy are very common. The vitamin E, which is present in the almond milk, helps to treat acne and pigmentation and also make your skin healthy and radiant.

Lee mas:  11 Impresionantes beneficios de la vitamina B2 (riboflavina)

Nutritional Benefits Of Almond Milk

Almond milk is a nutritious drink that is often consumed as an optional to cow`s milk. The drink is prepared by soaking almonds for 7 to 8 hours.

The almonds are exhausted and then blended into the water. Almond skin and particles are separated as a final step. The result is a tasty drink, which is rich in nutrients.

It contains nutrients like:

Calories 60 (251 kJ)
Calories from fat 23
% Daily Value 1
Total Fat 2.5g 4%
Sat. Fat 0g 0%
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Sodium 150mg 6%
Total Carbs. 8g 3%
Dietary Fiber 1g 4%
Sugars 7g
Protein 1g
Calcium 200mg
Potassium 180mg

 Almond Milk Vs Cow Milk

Almond Milk Vs Cow Milk

If you are lactose intolerant, then Almond milk is the best option for you.Cons about almond milk are that unless it is fortified it has less protein in it.

Cow’s milk is rich in phosphorous whereas Almond milk is rich in Vitamin E.

Both kinds of milk are good; I can’t say who is the winner out of these two.

Recipes For Almond Milk

Are you willing to know, how almond milk is prepared? If your answer is on a positive note, then continue reading, and you will get to know that how it is easily prepared.


  • 5 cups of water
  • Vanilla extract (one teaspoon)
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Honey (1.5 tablespoons)
  • Whole blanched almonds (1.5 cups)


  • Metal strainer
  • Blender


  • In a blender, add 1.5 cups of whole blanched almonds and 2 cups of water. Blend it for 2 minutes.
  • Then you will see a beautiful smooth puree. Then add 1.5 tablespoons of honey and then the remaining 3 cups of water.
  • Then blend it for another 2 minutes.
  • In a large bowl, strain this shake with the help of the metal strainer.
  • Then add a small amount of cinnamon powder and vanilla extract.
  • Mix well.Then pour it into a glass.
  • If you want to drink cool, then keep it in a refrigerator for 5 minutes.
  • Your cool, healthy and nutritious almond milk is ready
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Many of us don`t like to drink milk. In fact, I too don’t like drinking milk. But, it is also compulsory to take care of our health.

There are so many ways in which we can make milk tastier and healthy. Almond milk is one of them.

It is very beneficial for the pregnant woman, babies, infants and all. So, in my view, you must try almond milk as it will keep you healthy. Cheers!!

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