Cómo deshacerse de un orzuelo

por Dr. Sandra Landers, MD, PhD
127 Vistas


Los orzuelos son una queja de salud relativamente común. A menos que sea increíblemente afortunado, la mayoría de las personas desarrollarán un orzuelo en algún momento de su vida . Si tiene suerte, es posible que solo obtenga uno o dos; sin embargo, algunas personas son propensas a tener orzuelos recurrentes y pueden ser dolorosos, irritantes y francamente feos; ciertamente no es un gran aspecto para la próxima toma de selfie.

Un orzuelo a veces se llama orzuelo dependiendo de dónde se encuentre . Los orzuelos y los orzuelos son pequeños abscesos llenos de pus, a menudo dolorosos, que se forman en el interior o en el exterior del párpado. El orzuelo suele ser causado por una infección bacteriana llamada estafilococo.


Un orzuelo se forma cuando una glándula sebácea en el borde del párpado se infecta. Los orzuelos suelen ser causados ​​por bacterias que crecen en la raíz de las pestañas. Un orzuelo interno es causado por una infección de las glándulas tarsales (o de Meibomio)

Hay 2 lugares típicos donde se forma un orzuelo (externo) o un orzuelo (interno)

  1. Un orzuelo interno se llama orzuelo si se desarrolla dentro del párpado. Estos son causados ​​por infecciones internas de las glándulas tarsianas del ojo y pueden ser más dolorosos.
  2. Un orzuelo externo desarrollado en el borde exterior del párpado . Estos son más propensos a estar llenos de pus.

Ambos tipos de orzuelo pueden ser dolorosos, pero por lo general desaparecen por sí solos en una semana.


Un chalazión es un bulto en el párpado . No es lo mismo que un orzuelo.  Un chalazión es causado por una inflamación y un orzuelo es causado por una infección . Después de la infección, algunos orzuelos pueden causar una inflamación a largo plazo que podría convertirse en un chalazión granulomatoso .


Un orzuelo es una infección, pero eso no significa que un orzuelo sea contagioso. La respuesta simple es que los orzuelos no son contagiosos entre las personas . Las bacterias pueden transmitirse entre personas, pero la formación de orzuelos en sí es un proceso más complicado.

No existe un medio simple de transmisión y el sistema inmunológico del cuerpo normalmente evitaría el contagio. El desarrollo del orzuelo generalmente es causado por bacterias, pero no siempre. Si tiene un orzuelo y le preocupa contagiar a otras personas, simplemente practique una buena higiene al lavarse las manos.

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La conjuntivitis es una inflamación de la superficie del ojo. Con un orzuelo, el enrojecimiento suele estar alrededor del área afectada. Por lo general, con Pink Eye hay más o una sensación de picazón o ardor, mucho lagrimeo y una secreción espesa . A diferencia de un orzuelo , la conjuntivitis o la conjuntivitis es altamente contagiosa . Es imprescindible un buen lavado de manos para evitar su propagación.


Los orzuelos son causados ​​por infecciones bacterianas.  Algunas personas pueden tener un orzuelo o ser más propensas a los orzuelos después de usar lentes de contacto y atribuir el orzuelo a los lentes de contacto.   Si los lentes de contacto nuevos parecen causar un orzuelo, podría atribuirse a algunas cosas

  • Limpieza inadecuada de lentes.
  • Diferente tipo de solución de limpieza que causa irritación.
  • Diferentes tipos de lentes (lentes blandas diarias o permeables al gas) que causan irritación

Es posible que los lentes no causen directamente un orzuelo, pero pueden causar irritación en las glándulas de Meibomio.   La irritación puede hacer que una infección sea más probable, o causar inflamación, lo que lleva a la formación de un chalazión. Como se mencionó anteriormente, un chalazión se verá muy similar a un orzuelo.


People with Blepharitis have a chronic inflammation of the eyelids.  It is a different condition entirely but people with Blepharitis are more prone to develop a Stye or Chalazion.


There are no over the counter (OTC) antibiotic creams or ointments that should be used for a stye.  If your stye remains persistent and has not healed within a week or so, then your doctor might prescribe antibiotic eye drops or creams.


Only in rare cases would a surgery be required.  Typically, only people with chronic, recurrent and multiple styes or chalazia would require surgery.


The most obvious signs that a stye is developing are pain, swelling and redness. Following these symptoms, a lump will form in the affected area. Left untreated, most styes will heal themselves within a week or so but if you want to speed up the process, there are a number of home remedies, natural and otherwise that you can try.


Before going any further, it is important to note that you should not squeeze or try to burst the stye yourself. I have seen videos on youtube showing someone popping a stye—this is not recommended and can do more harm than good.

A gentle rinse and cleaning of your eyelid should be the 1st step. Rough treatment can introduce even more bacteria and this could lead to secondary infection(s).



When you develop a stye, the very first thing you should do is to clean the affected area. Be sure to thoroughly wash your hands and then with a cotton pad or ball gently clean the stye with warm water.
2. Green Tea Bags

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The merits of green tea are well known. It contains anti-inflammatory compounds which will help to ease the swelling and alleviate pain. Green tea also has antioxidant properties that among other things will promote healing.

  1. To prepare this treatment, simply dunk a green tea bag into a cup of warm water and leave it for a few minutes.
  2. Remove the tea bag from the cup and squeeze out any excess water.
  3. Press the moist tea bag onto the affected area of your eye and hold it in place for around 5 minutes or so.
  4. You can repeat this several times a day until your symptoms have eased or disappeared completely.
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A simple and effective way to treat your stye is by making a warm compress; it works by draining the puss from the stye and also relieves the burning pain in your eyes.

  1. Soak a clean washcloth in warm water and then squeeze out any excess liquid.
  2. Press the cloth over your eye and hold it in place for at least 10 minutes.
  3. You can repeat the process 3 or 4 times a day until your eye is healed.


Aloe vera is an effective treatment for styes because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It can help provide soothing relief when applied to the painful area of the eye and is perfectly safe to use regularly.

  1. Split an aloe leaf lengthwise and extract its pulpy gel.
  2. Either remove the gel from the leaf and rub it gently onto the affected area of the eye or apply it directly from the leaf.
  3. Leave the gel on your eye for around 20 minutes and then rinse your eyes with clean warm water.
  4. Repeat the process several times a day.


While turmeric is best known for its qualities in the kitchen, it can also be used to treat the painful symptoms of a stye. Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that should help to get rid of your stye in prompt fashion.

  1. Prepare the solution by adding a tablespoon of turmeric to 2 cups of water.
  2. Boil the mixture until it is reduced by around a half.
  3. Let the solution cool and drain it through a cheese cloth.
  4. Use the final solution to cleanse your eye several times a day until your symptoms have gone.


Like turmeric, coriander seeds are thought to be an effective home remedy for styes owing to their anti-inflammatory properties. Like turmeric, they can help relieve pain, swelling and redness from the affected area and should help you to feel better relatively quickly.

  1. Prepare the coriander seed solution by adding a teaspoon of seeds to a cup of water and boiling the mixture.
  2. Let the water cool down and then strain the mixture.
  3. You can now use the solution to cleanse the affected area of your eye several times a day.
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Guava leaves are a popular home remedy for styes. Like coriander seeds and turmeric, they act as an anti-inflammatory and can help reduce swelling and relieve pain. I live in Thailand and we have a couple of guava trees in the garden but I have no idea how readily available they are elsewhere.

  1. Soak a cloth in hot water then squeeze out any excess water.
  2. Wash a couple of guava leaves and place them on the warm cloth, wrap it up well.
  3. Use the cloth as a compress and place on your eye.
  4. Hold it in place for 5 or so minutes.
  5. You can repeat this process twice a day until your symptoms have eased.
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Believe it or not, potatoes are not only for mashing and frying, they have astringent properties that lend well to stye treatment. These properties aid the contraction of your skin and help ease irritation.

  • Just grate a potato and mash it into a paste, then spread it onto a clean cloth and apply it to the affected area.


Cucumber has a cooling and soothing effect on your skin. Simply slice a cucumber and hold the slices in place on your affected eyelid to alleviate swelling and soreness.


This is a simple, convenient home remedy for styes, most people have cloves sitting in their kitchen somewhere and if not; they are readily available at your local supermarket. Cloves can help treat your stye by relieving pain and skin irritation; they also have anti-bacterial properties that will help prevent the spread of the infection.

  1. To prepare this remedy, soak 4 or 5 cloves in a glass of water for around 10 minutes.
  2. Strain the water and soak a clean cloth in the same water.
  3. Squeeze out any excess water and place the cloth on the affected are of your eye.
  4. Hold the cloth in place for 4 or 5 minutes.
  5. Do this 2 or 3 times a day for as long as necessary.

Hopefully some of these remedies will do the trick for you but if you want to make sure that you don’t get any styes in future, there are a few steps that you should follow.

  • If you get frequent styes, then make sure to wash your eyelids regularly to avoid bacteria.
  • Wash your hands before touching your eyes especially if you wear contact lenses and have to touch your eyes on a regular basis.
  • Be careful with makeup…don’t share eye makeup with other people, apply it properly and be careful to remove any eye makeup before you go to bed. Also don’t wear eye makeup when you have a stye.

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