Tiña – causas, síntomas y tratamiento

por Dr. Sandra Landers, MD, PhD
Publicada: Ultima actualización en 152 Vistas

Tiña no tiene nada que ver con un gusano. En pocas palabras, es una infección micótica de la piel y recibe su nombre de la forma de la erupción que lo acompaña. (Consulte la Figura 1) El sarpullido forma pequeños círculos rojos elevados en la ingle, la axila y las áreas del cuerpo que permanecen calientes y húmedas.

Esta infección de la piel es muy común entre los niños y es contagiosa, pero la tiña puede afectar a cualquier persona a cualquier edad. Los gatos y los perros pueden portar tiña, pero atraparla de un animal no es tan común como se pensaba. El hongo para causar la infección se conoce como tinea y esto también causa muchas otras infecciones relacionadas como; jock itch, pie de atleta y ciertas formas de caspa en el cuero cabelludo.

Contrario a la creencia popular, la tiña no es una infección “sucia”. En realidad es uno limpio. La tiña es un tipo de levadura que vive en la piel y ciertas condiciones hacen que la levadura crezca y prospere. Las buenas bacterias que viven en la piel ayudan a mantener este hongo bajo control. El lavado excesivo con jabones antibacterianos es un factor que causa la tiña. Echemos un vistazo a algunas de las causas de la tiña.


Figura 1: Tiña

Foto cortesía de: medicinenet.com

¿Qué causa la tiña?

La tiña es una infección fúngica de la piel y es causada por mantener la piel demasiado húmeda. También es causada por los altos niveles de azúcar en los diabéticos, el sistema inmune comprometido y el uso excesivo de antibióticos. Los antibióticos pueden matar demasiadas bacterias buenas en su cuerpo que ayudan a controlar la levadura y el crecimiento de hongos.

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Las personas que participan en atletismo, especialmente los nadadores, son los más susceptibles a la tiña. Sobre bañarse y no secarse completamente también pone a cualquiera en riesgo de crecimiento de hongos en la piel.

La levadura se nutre de azúcar en el cuerpo. Los diabéticos con niveles altos de azúcar en la sangre corren el riesgo de contraer esta infección. Además, las personas con sistemas inmunes comprometidos y las personas que tienen que tomar medicamentos esteroides corren el riesgo de sufrir de tiña.

This infection is contagious and can be found on used towels, brushes and combs, unwashed clothing and public shower areas. There is also a high incidence of ringworm contamination to tanning beds.

What are the symptoms of Ringworm?

Ringworm starts with a red circular rash in areas covered by tight clothing or other skin such as; armpits, groin creases and abdominal folds. The rash can spread to other areas of the body. Other symptoms include:

  • Itching
  • Oozing blisters
  • Hair Loss
  • Loss of skin pigmentation
  • Burning
  • Flaky Skin
  • Crusting

Ringworm can also affect the nails and cause them to appear yellow, brittle and thickened. (See Figure 2) Nail fungus can be one of the most difficult to treat because it requires medications that can penetrate the nail beds.


Figure 2: Toenail Fungus

Photo Courtesy of: toenail-fungus-treatment.net

What is the treatment for Ringworm?

Ringworm treatment requires commitment to daily topical and/or oral medications and the entire body must be treated from head to toe. Ringworm can spread to untreated areas and return if treatment is not done daily for weeks to months. Common treatments for ringworm include:

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Anti-fungal Creams A mild case of ringworm can be treated with over the counter anti-fungal creams. These are the same creams used for athlete’s foot.

Tea Tree Oil An alternative to anti-fungal creams is a natural substance that can be obtained in health food stores. There is also tea tree oil shampoo’s and body washes. (See Figure 3)


Figure 3: Tea Tree Oil Plant

Photo Courtesy of: therabreath.com

Oral Anti-fungals for more severe cases of ringworm, the doctor may need to prescribe an oral pill to be taken. The doctor will need to check the patients liver and kidneys before administration of this type of medication. Severe adverse effects can occur in these organs.

Dandruff Shampoo Dandruff shampoos that contain salicylic acid or zinc pyrithione can help to control fungal infections over a long period of time. People with chronic ringworm can use the dandruff shampoo daily in the shower. It does need to be left on the skin for at least 10 minutes each application to help kill the yeast.

Low Sugar Diets More recently alternative medicine practioners are encouraging a “yeast free” diet and diets low in sugar to help curb the growth of yeast. This diet encourages healthy carbohydrates, but ones very low in sugar and high protein intake. The diet must be followed for at least 6 to 8 weeks for any result to be seen and it is very strict. People who use a low sugar diet report almost complete resolution of yeast on the body.

How can Ringworm be prevented?

It is important to take precautions against ringworm if you have ever had an infection or are at risk for infection. These are simple daily changes to lifestyle that will help to keep the risk of ringworm lower:

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Keep skin very dry after swimming or showering. Make sure to dry the feet and between the toes well. Keep groin, armpit areas and abdominal folds very dry. Some people try cornstarch powder, however this is discouraged due to the high sugar content in the corn will encourage yeast growth. A good powder to encourage dryness is talc.

Use only clean towels after your shower, bath or swimming. Moist towels can encourage yeast growth or spread it from person to person. Hang your towel to dry thoroughly or grab a fresh one if it is still damp.

Shower after using public pools and saunas because these are prime places for transmission of fungal infections. Any place that is warm and moist is a good place for yeast to live and thrive. A quick shower can clean the skin and be sure to dry off thoroughly with a clean towel. It is also helpful to use shower or water shoes to prevent fungus from infecting the feet.

Cat with Ringworm

Figure 4: Cat with Ringworm

Always wash your hands after touching pets especially cats and dogs. If you notice bald spots (See Figure 4) on a pet this may be a sign of ringworm. Any pet can carry ringworm so it is always a good idea to wash your hands after playing with them.

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