Enfermedad azul de Waffle – Causas, síntomas y tratamiento

por Dr. Sandra Landers, MD, PhD
Publicada: Ultima actualización en 159 Vistas

¿Qué es Blue Waffle Disease?

El término “Blue Waffle Disease” no es una enfermedad en sí misma, sino un término que se inventó para describir una infección vaginal muy grave. También es una “leyenda urbana” que ha engendrado varias fotografías que son muy desagradables por decir lo menos. Para salvar sus ojos, (Vea la Figura 1) eche un vistazo a esta imagen para una descripción más suave.


Figura 1: enfermedad de Waffle azul

Foto cortesía de: diseasecontrols.blogspot.com

Parece que el nombre de la enfermedad y las imágenes gráficas solo se utilizan para atraer a los usuarios de Internet a un sitio web que ofrece solo una breve explicación de la leyenda, algunas imágenes muy inquietantes y nada más de uso demuestra que la enfermedad realmente existe.

El término proviene de unas pocas palabras juntas que en realidad son jerga. “Waffle” = término argot para vagina y “azul” = término argot utilizado para el color de una vagina muy infectada que carece de circulación.

No hay información médica sobre Blue Waffle Disease y ninguna mención de la leyenda urbana en ninguna documentación médica por parte de los principales hospitales de investigación. Por lo tanto, es seguro decir que Blue Waffle Disease no existe en absoluto. ¡Pero las enfermedades de transmisión sexual son muy reales!

Las afirmaciones en la leyenda urbana afirman que la vagina adquiere un “color azul intenso”. Solo eche un vistazo a la anatomía del área reproductiva externa femenina y vea las áreas que podrían verse afectadas por la decoloración o la desfiguración. (Ver figura 2)


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Figura 2: Anatomía del área reproductiva externa femenina

Foto cortesía de: bluewafflespics.blogspot.com

Esto podría ser el resultado de cualquier cosa incluyendo; falta de flujo de sangre a los labios, sexo muy duro o violación. Las afirmaciones también afirman que la enfermedad solo puede transferirse de mujer a hombre, lo que no tiene sentido ya que, ¿cómo las mujeres la obtienen en primer lugar?

Pero para ayudarlo a comprender por qué se usa esta jerga, echemos un vistazo a algunos síntomas de una importante infección vaginal inexplicable.

Síntomas de infección vaginal severa

The legend may be referring to women with a severe case of a sexually transmitted disease such as; Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, Human Papilloma Virus (Genital Warts) or Herpes. Any of these actual documented diseases can cause:

  • Lesions
  • Intense Itching
  • Foul Smelling Discharge
  • Discoloration of the labia (hence the mention of “blue”)
  • Pelvic Pain
  • Deformity of Internal and External Vaginal tissues

Please note that even if Blue Waffle Disease is said to be an urban legend, any symptoms listed about are to be taken seriously and could mean infection with an STD. If you or anyone you know is experiencing these symptoms it is important to see a physician or health clinic as soon as possible. Complications of an untreated STD are serious and could cause permanent infertility if left untreated. Untreated syphilis can also have serious health implications.

What Are The Treatments For Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

Whatever you and your friends want to call it, sexually transmitted diseases must be evaluated and treated as early as possible to prevent complications. Treatments for STD’s are usually very high doses of antibiotics. Human Papilloma Virus or genital warts are treated with wart removal procedures including; burning, freezing or chemical applications.

When an STD is diagnosed, the physician will advise abstinence for both partners during treatment, any and all associated partners must be contacted and treated and most often a report made to the local health department. It sounds like a tedious process, but must be done to protect the community.

All STD’s are treatable and most are curable. (See Figure 3) 

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Figure 3: Statistics About Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Photo Courtesy of: feminish.com

Prevention includes teaching about safe sex practices and encouraging open communication among people.

Understanding Urban Legends and Protecting Your Safety

Hearing the term “Blue Waffle Disease” among friends who are joking shouldn’t really be a big concern. They may just be discussing the funny nature of the urban legend. But in more serious conversation, it may pay to investigate further. People discussing this disease and saying someone has it may warrant a deeper look into things if it is someone you or someone you know has intercourse with.

It may be that people are using the term to describe their knowledge of a person having an actual STD. In order to protect your safety; first choose abstinence if you can, use a condom if you choose to have intercourse with more than one partner and encourage your friends to talk openly about STD’s using the correct names for the diseases.

Not playing into urban legends will help them to “die off” and they usually don’t hang around for very long. Then again, keeping this one around may help to identify when actual Sexually Transmitted Diseases are present and need to be addressed.


Many urban legends have come and gone, many leaving our memory banks as quickly as they came into our minds. In a way, it might be a good to keep an eye on the legend of “Blue Waffle Disease.” This name may be used as a term for actual sexually transmitted diseases within a group of people.

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On one hand, the term may be used in a joking manner and have no valid substance. It may just be a topic of conversation. Careful attention should be paid to the fact that the term may be used as slang to describe a valid STD that someone has.

Encouraging the use of proper names for sexual disease may help curb the use of slang, even when used in a joking manner. This will help protect people and keep lines of communication open. As always, safe sex practices should be used when there are multiple sexual partners.

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