Métodos naturales para bajar la presión arterial alta

por Dr. Sandra Landers, MD, PhD
Publicada: Ultima actualización en 125 Vistas

La presión arterial alta en la población estadounidense es un gran problema. Aumenta el riesgo de enfermedades graves o la muerte, desempeñando un papel de apoyo en más del 15% de todas las muertes en los Estados Unidos. El hecho más desconcertante es que es prevenible.

La American Heart Association afirma que el 28% de la población de los EE. UU. No sabe que tienen presión arterial alta. Esto conduce a un aumento de la morbilidad o incluso la muerte por ataques cardíacos, accidentes cerebrovasculares, aneurismas e insuficiencia renal.

La medicación es la respuesta más común para las personas con presión arterial alta, pero los efectos secundarios conllevan riesgos. Si bien hay algunas personas que necesitarán medicamentos, la mayoría de las personas puede reducir su presión arterial de forma natural.

Crédito de la imagen: high-blood-pressure-symptoms.com

Métodos naturales para bajar la presión arterial alta

Llegar a un peso apropiado

El exceso de grasa corporal conlleva una amplia gama de problemas, y el aumento de la presión arterial es una preocupación importante. Si bien los consejos restantes ayudarán a controlar la presión arterial, serán más eficaces cuando se combinen con una dieta adecuada y un control del peso.

Ejercicio moderado, como caminatas de poder

El ejercicio tiene un impacto distintivo en mantener la presión arterial en niveles deseables. La actividad ayuda a un sistema cardiovascular más eficiente al permitir que el corazón use oxígeno de manera más eficiente. Participar en caminatas vigorosas de 30 minutos o más por día puede ayudar a reducir la presión arterial en pacientes hipertensos hasta en ocho puntos.

Técnicas de respiración

Se ha encontrado que imitar los patrones de respiración de aquellos que están relajados puede producir efectos secundarios positivos. Las respiraciones lentas y controladas y las prácticas meditativas pueden ayudar a reducir la frecuencia cardíaca y la tensión. Al reducir las hormonas del estrés, disminuye la producción de renina (una enzima renal que aumenta la presión arterial). El yoga y el tai chi son dos formas de ejercicio que incorporan la respiración diafragmática adecuada.

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Diseña tu dieta diaria

Weight management was mentioned earlier, but this point is a bit different. Yes, “healthy” foods that are low in fat are important. But there are ingredients lurking in your food…pro and con…that will impact your blood pressure. For example, foods high in soy and milk protein have a positive effect, particularly if they are replacing refined carbohydrates.

Potassium-rich fruits and vegetables are a great place to start. Bananas are a common fruit mentioned, but orange juice, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, peas, potatoes (regular and the sweet variety) and kidney beans also rank highly. A potassium level ranging from 2,000 to 4,000 mg per day is ideal.

There are several health benefits linked to moderate chocolate intake. Dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa contains flavanols. One potential side effect is increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure in many test subjects that ate dark chocolate every day.

On the other end of the spectrum, salt is a trigger for increasing blood pressure. The elderly and those with a family history of hypertension tend to be more salt-sensitive, but otherwise healthy individuals can also fall into this class. Monitoring sodium intake is simply a prudent step for everyone.

Nutritionists recommend around 1,500 mg of sodium daily, which is about half of what is found in the average American diet. But the issue isn’t the salt shaker; it’s the sodium that is lurking in prepared foods. It is an easy substitute for herbs and spices to add flavor, as well as adding points to systolic readings. It is definitely worth a few moments to read the labels.

Switch what you Sip

Similar to the foods Americans eat, beverage options also have an impact on blood pressure. Coffee has come under scrutiny and a blood pressure booster because of the caffeine levels. A Duke University Medical Center study found that two 12-ounce cups of coffee can have a measurable impact on blood pressure that lasts the entire day. On average, that equates to 350 mg of caffeine, which is comparable to nine cans of soda.

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Tea is generally seen as a healthier alternative. It typically is much lower in caffeine and herbal teas often contain hibiscus. The phytochemicals in hibiscus-rich tea are believed to lower blood pressure. A Tufts University study found that participants who sipped 24 oz. of tea per day had an average systolic decrease of seven points after six weeks, which is on-par with many blood pressure medications.

Moderate alcohol consumption also has its advantages. There have been numerous studies that show blood pressure improves with a decrease in alcohol consumption. However, they also reveal that participants that engaged in light drinking (about a half- to one-serving per day) actually lowered their blood pressure more than those that abstained from alcohol consumption. The depressive effects of moderate alcohol likely assist with relaxation.

Manage Work Weeks

A University of California, Irvine study found that excessive work weeks (more than 41 hours) raised hypertension risk by 15%. The reasons seem clear, as longer work weeks reduce time for health-related activities such as exercise and planning healthy meals. Jobs that require longer hours also tend to be higher stress. Other demands may make it difficult to cut down time at the office, so scheduling in time for a power walk and planning meals are important.

Pick the Right Music

Music can have a drastic impact on heart rates and biorhythms. Some beats will actually add to hypertension, while classical, Celtic and other soft music can lower blood pressure. When combined with controlled diaphragmatic breathing for 30 minutes a day, a marked decrease in blood pressure was realized.

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Research Snoring

Si bien hay muchas causas de ronquidos, uno de los culpables comunes es la apnea del sueño. Se estima que la mitad de los pacientes con apnea del sueño también tienen hipertensión. Una combinación de ronquidos y presión arterial alta es un posible signo de apnea del sueño, y el tratamiento puede reducir los niveles de aldosterona, una hormona que se cree que aumenta la presión arterial.

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