Durezol vs Lotemax – Comparison of Uses & Side Effects

por Dr. Sandra Landers, MD, PhD
Publicada: Ultima actualización en 128 Vistas


It is the brand name of a medication called difluprednate ophthalmic, which is part of a class of medications called corticosteroids.

Mechanism of Action

It works by reducing the inflammation and pain caused by cataract surgery.


This corticosteroid should not be used if you have the following conditions:

  • epithelial herpes simplex keratitis and varicella;
  • viral diseases of the cornea and conjunctiva;
  • fungal diseases of ocular structures;
  • mycobacterial infection of the eye.


This medication is used for the treatment of endogenous anterior uveitis (inflammation that affects the front part of the eye) and for the treatment of inflammation and pain associated with ocular surgery.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

It is not known whether this corticosteroid will harm an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to fall pregnant.

It is not known whether this corticosteroid passes into breast milk or if it could negatively affect the baby. Tell your doctor if you are breastfeeding an infant.


Important notes – since a contaminated dropper can infect your eye and could lead to serious vision problems, do not touch the tip of the eye dropper or place it directly on your eye. In addition, wait fifteen minutes before using any other eye drops your doctor has prescribed.

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For postoperative ocular inflammation, the usual recommended dosage is 1 drop into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye 4 times per day for 2 weeks starting 24 hours after surgery.

For uveitis, the usual recommended adult dosage is 1 drop into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye 4 times a day for 2 weeks.

Drug Interactions

It may negatively interact with other medications, especially:

  • ketorolac;
  • flurbiprofen;
  • fioricet;
  • diclofenac.

Side Effects and Precautions

Common side effects may include:

  • feeling like something is in the eye;
  • blurred vision;
  • increased sensitivity of the eyes to light;
  • headaches;
  • mild burning or itching of the eyes;
  • dry or watery eyes.

Less common side effects may include:

  • pain behind your eyes;
  • seeing halos around lights;
  • signs of a new eye infection;
  • sudden eye redness;
  • crusting of your eyes;
  • a severe headache;
  • changes in the appearance or color of your iris (the colored part of your eye);
  • slow healing after your eye surgery;
  • eye pain;
  • sudden vision changes;
  • tunnel vision.


Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages while taking this medication since alcohol use can substantially increase the risk of side effects.


It is the brand name of a drug called loteprednol, which belongs to a class of drugs called steroids.

Mechanism of Action

It works by preventing the release of substances in the body which cause inflammation.


This medication is used to treat eye swelling and eye irritation.

Note – do not give this medication to anyone under 18 years old without medical advice.


Apply one to two drops of loteprednol into the conjunctival sac of the affected eye four times daily.

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Note – during the initial treatment within the first week, the dosing may be increased, up to 1 drop every hour, if needed.

Side Effects and Precautions

Common side effects may include:

  • sore throat;
  • minor burning when using the eye drops;
  • runny nose;
  • dry, red, itchy, or watery eyes;
  • headache;
  • being more sensitive to light;
  • feeling that something is in your eye.

Rare side effects may include:

  • burning or stinging when using the eye drops;
  • signs of a new eye infection;
  • problems with your vision;
  •  seeing halos around lights;
  • eye pain;
  • blurred vision.


Before taking loteprednol, tell your healthcare provider if you have:

  • herpes infection of your eye;
  • glaucoma;
  • cataracts.


Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages while taking loteprednol since alcohol use can substantially increase the risk of side effects.

Drug Interactions

It may negatively interact with other medications, especially:

  • flurbiprofen ophthalmic;
  • ketorolac ophthalmic;
  • diclofenac ophthalmic.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

It is not known whether this medication passes into breast milk or if it could harm a nursing infant. Tell your healthcare professional if you are breast-feeding a baby before using loteprednol.

It is not known whether loteprednol will harm an unborn baby. Tell your healthcare professional if you are pregnant before using loteprednol.

Bottom Line – Durezol vs Lotemax

Durezol (active ingredient – difluprednate ophthalmic emulsion) is a steroid medicine that works by preventing the release of substances in the human body which cause inflammation. It is used to treat anterior uveitis as well as eye inflammation and pain caused by eye surgery.

Lotemax (ingrediente activo – loteprednol) es un medicamento esteroide que se usa para tratar la inflamación de los ojos causada por infecciones, alergias, cirugía y otras afecciones. Actúa previniendo la liberación de sustancias en el cuerpo humano que causan inflamación.

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En cuanto a su precio, el precio minorista promedio de 1 cuentagotas (5ml) de Durezol 0.05% es de $180, mientras que el precio minorista promedio de 1 cuentagotas (5ml) de Lotemax 0.5% es de $237.

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